Dahlgren, Chris

Chris Dahlgren s-a născut la New York unde la vârsta de 6 ani a început să studieze violoncelul. Interesat de improvizaţie şi jazz şi negăsind înţelegerea necesară într-o şcoală dedicată numai muzicii clasice a trecut la studiul contrabasului şi absolvit în 1986 College-Conservatory of Music din Cincinnati şi în 2003 a obţinut M.A. în Composition and Experimental music la Wesleyan University. Din 2004 s-a mutat în Germania unde activează ca muzician şi predă la Institutul de jazz din Berlin. A scos mai multe albume solo sau în colaborare cu alţi muzicieni, trei dintre ele la Soft RecordsIntelligence is all around în 2010, La margine de Bucureşti în 2011 şi Stralau în 2013.

Chris Dahlgren was born Nov. 13, 1961 in NY, NY. He began playing cello at the age of six, but gave it up after being severely reprimanded for making up his own parts when playing the music of Classical composers in his elementary school ensemble. At twelve, Chris switched to the bass and began playing rock, jazz and improvised music. He went on to graduate from the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati in 1986. After releasing several recordings of his own music he returned to graduate studies for an M.A. in Composition and Experimental music from Wesleyan University in 2003. Chris moved from New York to Berlin, Germany in 2004 and has been living there since, actively composing, performing and recording, as well as teaching at the Jazz Institut Berlin. He recorded several solo albums and in collaboration with other musicians, three of them at the Soft RecordsIntelligence is all around in 2010, La margine de Bucureşti in 2011 and Stralau in 2013.


  1. Intelligence Is All Around - CD (2010)
  2. La margine de Bucureşti - CD (2011)
  3. STRALAU - CD (2013)