Invitaţie la cocktail
O nouă voce de excepţie pe scena jazz-ului românesc, Irina POPA, ni se dezvăluie în multiple şi convingătoare nuanţe pe acest album, într-o izbutită colaborare cu pianistul- compozitor Cornel CRISTEI, aşa ca într- un savuros cocktail vocal- instrumental, unde suntem provocaţi să degustăm rafinatele amestecuri de soft- electro, groove, funky, pop-rock, soul şi blues. Un tot unitar, un demers fluent în succesiunea bine-conturatelor întruchipări afective, guvernat la tot pasul de arta improvizaţiei, pe care ambii protagonişti o slujesc cu dăruire şi har, dincolo de generozitatea mărturisirilor sonore, decupate din scenariul aparent obişnuit, dar subtil şi cu accente fin-ironice, ale oricăreia dintre cele zece piese ale discului. Despre viaţă pur şi simplu, cu bucurii, dorinţe sau regrete, cu acel balans între vis ca stare de spirit şi realitatea nu la fel de apropiată de perfecţiune, încearcă să ne vorbească sincer, prin incitante configuraţii muzicale, într-o formă unică de expresivitate, solista Irina POPA (cunoscută din formaţia Amadeus şi câştigătoare a trofeului ”Mamaia” 2008 ) şi Cornel CRISTEI (fost lider al unor valoroase trupe autohtone ale anilor ’70, precum Ethos, Electrecord ori Roşu şi Negru), aici, un veritabil maestru al claviaturilor, în alb-negru dar şi a computerului-programing, ambele supuse unui riguros travaliu, prin originale înlănţuiri acordice, însă şi unor jocuri timbrale complexe, nonconformiste, creatoare de atmosferă. Astfel, prin surprinzătoare geometrii de culori sonore, se captează atenţia, ca şi prin maniera de a conferi sens emoţional unui discurs jazz-istic evoluat, în fiecare compoziţie, cu altă atitudine estetică. Într-un anume ambient, impregnat de parfumul anilor ’80 şi adus la o reală dimensiune a prezentului tehnic şi conceptual, ca un adevărat model de fuzzion…
– Mirela Stoenescu –
Pagina tehnică / Technical Data
• Soft Records • Serie: FuzzionFashion • Nr catalog: SFTA-034-2 • Cod preț: DGP • Barcode: 4075303003429 • An: 2011
I feel you are not the same, same as before
Please tell me if I am guilty, please tell me
Tell me till it’s not too late, too late..
Hopeless I live with your picture in my mind
It’s not easy to forget you when you are gone
I’ll keep you in my heart, as a treasure
And therefore I need to know, all about you..
Let me know all about you
I feel you are not the same, I feel this
I feel you are not the same, same as before
I’ll keep you in my heart, as a treasure
And therefore I need to know, all about you..
Let me know all about you
Better Without You
You’re giving nothing back
Tell me what’s on your mind
What do you want from me
You need to get your things together
Get off my back!
I need to breath, slow down
You’re going on and on
Lay off my back, I’m moving ,moving ,moving on
It really breaks my heart to tell you
I am your fool no more, no more
And when you’re looking back I’m too fare gone
I’m glad it never worked, never worked
You’re giving nothing back
Tell me what’s on your mind
What do you want from me
You get your things together
Get off my back!
I need to breath, slow down
You’re going on and on
Lay off my back, I’m moving ,moving ,moving on
Extasy and Agony
I want to tell you, to tell you something…
It’s nothing special, just plain words, just plain words… nothing special
At times I do not understand who you are
At times I do not want to know, where you go (but I don’t care)
It seems that you’re an alien who goes far
And leaves me here on this earth so alone…
I am not jealous of you
And I can survive, believe me
Till you return…
I am not jealous of you
And I can survive, believe me
Till you return… ah .. aaa…
At times I do not understand who you are… mmm…
At times I do not want to know, where you go
I am not jealous of you
And I can survive, believe me
Till you return…
Happy When I Think
I am so happy when I think
That there are just a few miles
Until I reach my little, little home
In my cozy home I have
One large cat and one small dog
By the window they are waiting for me
I also have a baby
And he’s yearning to see me
I also have a boyfriend who wants me
I am so happy when I think
That there are just a few miles
Until I reach my little, little home
Chorus: I also have a baby
And he’s yearning to see me
I also have a boyfriend who wants me
I am so happy when I think (when I think…)
I am so happy when I think (uhuuu..)
I am so happy when I think ( when I think…)
I am so happy when I think (happy, happy..)
When I think…
First Love
When I saw you for the first time, I was so fascinated…
Because I never thought I’d meet such a macho man
If I had time and little more courage
If I weren’t so shy
Maybe I could have stopped you that moment
But I hope now to meet you one more time
We’ll drink a glass of wine together
Because wine makes me bold enough to tell you.
R. You are the First Love, my Great love
A macho man… as you can see only in tv series…
At that moment, I wanted you so..because I felt something new, strange and special
Like Chanel 5…
If I had time and little more courage
If I weren’t so shy
Maybe I could have stopped you that moment
R. You are the First Love, my Great Love
If I had time and little more courage
If I weren’t so shy.
Maybe I could have stopped you that moment
R. You are the First Love, my Great Love
Finger Sprint
The Yellow Bus
I am alone and watching a tv story
A story that looks just like our story
Save that my charming actor is very fat
But in fact he’s not an actor but a bus driver
R. He has a yellow bus now
Big like my house
And inside you can hear just soundtracks, just soundtracks
He has a yellow bus now
Big like my house
And inside you can hear just soundtracks …sss…
R. He has a yellow bus now…
In his spare time my lover sits with a popcorn bag and
Watches the most horrific movies
Aside from that…he’s a nice guy
R. He has a yellow bus now…
And so goes my love, my greatest love
I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world
Cause it’s shallow and doesn’t wear me out
The Dream
I knew it before, you want to play with me,
Or even more, just to have fun
Could you be more serious, could you be more serious?
One day I woke up from a dream, a beautiful one
A dream in which we live a happy life, a happy life
One day I woke up from a dream, a beautiful one
A dream in which we live a tv story, tv story.
I wanna feel, I wanna dream
I wanna feel, I wanna dream
One day I woke up from a dream, a beautiful one
A dream in which we live a happy life, a happy life
One day I woke up from a dream, a beautiful one
A dream in which we live a tv story, tv story.
I wanna feel, I wanna dream
I wanna feel, I wanna dream
The Desert
I’m lost and alone and I try to find myself, myself.
Under my steps, the sand is too hot
The sun is burning so cruely
I move like a deserted ship over the endless waves
I look for a green oasis with cold water and grass
Where the shade is hope and dream
And where I can breathe again
R. Oh God help me again, help me again,
To find what I have lost then
The fault lies with me, with me.
I’m lost and alone and I try to find myself
To live again in the days when we were together
Now I realize how happy we were
Now I understand we destroyed everything
R. Oh God help me again, help me again…
Why? Why did we create this desert?
I try to survive in our own desert
The Train
Every night on a buy street in a filthy bar
I drink lost in thoughts
And every night behind the bar
A train stops
And hurried passengers get off
And they make themselves scarce into the walls
Like cigar smoke
But you don’t get off
Your settled eyes just look at me through the window
Suddenly the train turns back into a secret destination
I want to get on the train but I’m afraid
Because I don’t know where it’s going.
R. The train
Which is passing by
Like a ghost
In the middle of the night
Is carrying, carrying my love
Somewhere, so far.
Your settled eyes just look at me through the window
Suddenly the train turns back into a secret destination
I want to get on the train but I’m afraid
Because I don’t know where it’s going, where it’s going.